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Claudia Vega » Classroom Management Plan

Classroom Management Plan

This classroom is a community, meaning that we must ALL support each other in order to create an environment where we are willing to make mistakes. And as in all communities in today’s society, there are certain expectations that all must adhere to. My expectations are as follows:

a) Be responsible by following ALL school rules in the CHS Student Handbook.

b) Be prepared by coming to class with ALL materials and ON time.

c) Be a good listener and follow all directions the FIRST time.

d) Be respectful of yourself AND others.

e) PARTICIPATE: YOU are in charge of your learning, so do all you can to help yourself SUCCEED.

Cell Phones: Please put all cell phones away when you walk into the classroom. I KNOW that for most students, their cell phones are their life. However, they are disruptive to our learning environment, UNLESS I state otherwise. If you are finished with your work, double-check it, help your struggling classmate, or read a book.

Bathroom: Students MUST use their CHS handbook as a hall pass. I will ONLY give permission when there is a break (i.e. class work), so please DON’T ask during instruction.

Consequences: There are always consequences for our actions. Failure to adhere to the classroom expectations will result in negative consequences for you. I may use any of these consequences at any time:


*parent notification

*teacher/student conference

*move seats

*removal from classroom

*referral to the administration office