In Sports news:
- Come support the boys basketball team as the play against Nampa High School tonight @ 4:30 pm, 6:00 pm and 7:30
- Wrestling will leave CHS at 3:15 pm to Middleton High School.
Attention all Students:
Senior Pictures are due Friday January 17th. There is a QR code in the 400's hallway on the bulletin board. If you don't submit a picture and a quote, they will use your ID picture as your Senior picture in the yearbook!!
We are so excited to announce that the City of Caldwell has installed a new pedestrian crossing light at Indian Avenue and Larch St. for the safety of our students and community.If you are going to be crossing S. Indiana Ave., it's highly recommended to use the crossing light that is button activated. Please make sure you wait till vehicles in both directions of travel come to a complete stop before crossing.
Join HOSA this upcoming Tuesday, January 14th in room 412 at 3pm for an informal all member meeting on how to become an officer! Can’t wait to see you there!
"If you are interested in seeing what it is like to be a Doctor...Contact Ms. Sigel via email or stop by room 401 for information about joining us THIS Thursday for Doctor For A Day"
It's schoolwide reading time. Please enjoy this time to chill and spend a few minutes reading.